Decoupling frontend from backend

Hopefully, you’ll not find anything revolutionary or cutting edge in this article, but in case you’ve been working on a X-year long project in a conservative organisation, you might find these words useful.

How to keep frontend separate from backend? #

Simple. Treat them as two different apps from day one.

In your organisation, frontend will likely be on separate server(s) from backend. Likely developed by completely different teams, individuals.
Actually, the fact that frontend is developed by different ppl from backend, is the key reason to keep in in a separate repo, in a separate server, in a separate production environment.


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#Ads. All around web, for the past couple of months, I was targeted and retargeted with all types of different ads, relevant to my various google searches, browsing, clicks, etc… Business as usual. 2 hours ago, over Google Hangouts, I... Continue →